Joshua Phillips

Interests: Personal experiences with braces, Humor writing, Oral health

Joshua Phillips is a braces wearer who loves to share his journey with others. He writes in a humorous and light-hearted way to make the braces journey more enjoyable. Joshua's articles are full of personal experiences and tips.

Articles By This Author

The Rubber Band Effect: How These Tiny Components Make a Big Difference in Aligning Your Smile
Understanding Braces Components

The Rubber Band Effect: How These Tiny Components Make a Big Difference in Aligning Your Smile

Uncover the superpowers of tiny rubber bands in your braces! Dive into the mechanics, learn why skipping them could hold your smile hostage, and pick up savvy tips to make them work for you. Plus, test your knowledge with our fun Band Challenge. Ready to transform your smile?

The Clock is Ticking: Understanding How Long it Takes to Put Braces On
Braces Procedure and Timeline

The Clock is Ticking: Understanding How Long it Takes to Put Braces On

Dive into our light-hearted guide on the braces fitting process! From pre-brace prep to post-installation care, we've got you covered. Expect anecdotes, a comparison of the process duration to common activities, and even a quiz to test your newfound knowledge!

Brace Yourself: A Comprehensive Guide on How Braces Move Teeth
Understanding Braces Components Braces Procedure and Timeline

Brace Yourself: A Comprehensive Guide on How Braces Move Teeth

Unravel the 'mystery' of braces with our in-depth yet light-hearted guide. Dive into the engineering behind tooth movement, explore the key components of braces, and understand the biomechanics at work. We'll guide you through the stages of teeth movement, offer tips to manage discomfort, and remind you of the aesthetic and health benefits of your brace-face journey. Test your knowledge with our fun quiz and embrace your braces adventure with a smile!

Decoding the Orthodontic Process: How Many Appointments Before Getting Braces
Braces Procedure and Timeline

Decoding the Orthodontic Process: How Many Appointments Before Getting Braces

Brace yourself for a grin-worthy guide to the orthodontic process! Get the lowdown on what happens at each appointment, from the initial consultation to the big braces day. Test your knowledge with quizzes, and lighten the journey with our tips, tricks, and a chuckle or two.

Demystifying Braces for Children: What Age Should Kids Get Braces and How to Prepare Them
Braces for Different Ages Getting Started with Braces

Demystifying Braces for Children: What Age Should Kids Get Braces and How to Prepare Them

Dive into the world of children's braces! Unearth the ideal age for your child to get braces, prep your kiddo for their braces journey, and explore the first week's food do's and don'ts. Plus, master the art of flossing with braces - all with a sprinkle of humor!

The Balancing Act: What Foods You Can and Can't Enjoy With Braces
Braces and Diet

The Balancing Act: What Foods You Can and Can't Enjoy With Braces

Find your foodie bliss with braces in our blog post, 'The Balancing Act.' Learn about the do's and don'ts of dining with braces, from soft delights to foods that play hard-to-get. Pick up tricks to enjoy your favorites and join our community poll on braces-friendly food hacks!

Pain No More: Quick and Effective Ways to Immediately Stop Braces Pain
Braces Pain Management

Pain No More: Quick and Effective Ways to Immediately Stop Braces Pain

Got braces pain? Say goodbye to discomfort with our humorous guide to stopping braces pain in its tracks. Learn why braces hurt, quick fixes, and long-term strategies for relief. Try dental wax, ice packs, and proper cleaning to ease your journey. Join the fun poll too!